I'd like you to strap on a helmet, adjust your seat, set your bobbin as you're about to take a ride with....
Tell us a little about the person behind the scenes at TINAAGLE.
Well, my shop name is "Pedal to the Floor" I created my username when I first started shopping on etsy and then I later decided to open a shop to sell my own crafts (hence the difference in username versus shop name). My name is Tina and I love to


and do just about any craft out there.
I like to make things that are off the wall and not something you would find anywhere else. In my non-crafting time I work in a law office. I almost like to think of it as my alter-ego, a cover for the real me who stays up late sewing and creating.
Come to think of it, I should probably make myself a cape.
I have several sewing machines, one of which is a Singer Red Eye which is a treadle machine. I love to use it for quilting projects and I think it adds a bit more interest to the piece I'm working on. I hate patterns, they never give me exactly what I want. I design all of my own creations. I don't like the idea of simply sewing something that thousands of others have. That's pretty much me in a nutshell :)
Why did you choose Etsy as a venue in which to sell your creations?
I love the Etsy community, I think its a great place to
meet other crafters. Many times the people I chat
with inspire me to make things that I wouldn't have
thought of without the inspiration they provided.
I also think Etsy is just were many people go to buy
handmade thus, I'm reaching my target market.
How did you come to be a crafter/artisan?
I've been making things as long as I can remember. I always loved to sew and stitch. I began sewing with a machine in college because making clothes was cheaper than buying them and I just kept on sewing after that. Prior to college I hand stitched everything. I also loved beading and cross-stitching growing up.
Of products you create what is your fave and why?
I recently sold a utility belt and that has been my
favorite so far. I love making things that are out
of the ordinary. I recently made my brother in law
a unicorn hat that I was pretty fond of. And, of
course, if you look in my store you can automatically
tell I just love purses,all purses!
Tina! That utility belt woulda matched great with that cape!!
Will you be introducing any new products in the coming year?
Most likely. All of my items are one of a kind so you never know whats coming or what inspiration will hit me. I have a few bags, wallets, and other items that I need to photograph and list so look for those. I recently finished a felt, hot pink, utility belt that I cannot wait to list.
Are there any other venues in which you sell that you'd like to share with our readers?
Nope, I'm pretty much Etsy exclusive.
I will do special orders or requests if I feel I can do a good job.
Just for fun....
One word that best describes you?
Seen anything weird or strange lately?
Always. I spend a lot of time on the internet.
If you could meet anyone famous living or deceased,
who would it be?
Probably Ben Franklin, the Revolutionary War period
in history really intrigues me.
If you could without worry or debt, what store would you max a credit card in and what would be your first item?
HOBBY LOBBY!!! I love that place, I think I could spend weeks in there.
If told you had to, would you fight a bull, ride a bull, or run with the bulls as they do in Spain and why?
I think I would run with them, I am a runner after all, might as well go for it. I just think I would have at least a fighting chance if I ran. I'm quite sure a bull would whip me good if I fought it or if I tried to ride it.
We hope you enjoyed the read and got to know a lil about another fabulous Etsy artisan. Tina and I thanks you for stopping by and invite you to stop by her shop for a browse.
Click the link below to visit Tina's shop
Tina, for being a great sport
and taking the time
to work with me
on this interview.
Great post!Just had a tweet about:)
Hi Lorenabr,
Thanks so much for visiting and your kind comment, Tina will appreciate your visit as well and thanks sooo much for the tweet!!! See ya round the chatsy neighborhood.
As a former sewer, whose end results were never too sharp (WITH a pattern), I am so impressed. Keep up the creativity!
Hello Autena,
Thanks so much for the visit and the wonderful comment as I'm certain Tina will appreciate as I have. Have a awesome day!
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