This weeks featured Etsy seller is a friend of which I'd like to share some of her wonderful and creative jewelry works as well as a little about her. From the very first time I'd visited her shop I'd comment to her on how her works to me were that of simplicity, yet elegance in the same. I know there's nothing simple about creating jewerly works of this calibur but when viewed, they appear as just that, simply elegant.
I hope you enjoy....
I'd like to begin by introducing you to the artist....
Angela is not only a wonderfully talented jewelry crafter and artisan, she has her BA in Art History and Fine Arts and is an aspiring photographer. Her talents from her education and as a photographer are reflected in the wonderful images captured of her works that are displayed in her shop.
Angela, share with us alittle about yourself, who is the person behind AMIjewelrydesign?
**** awww man i hate these kinds of questions lol. Well...lets see......By day, I'm an admin assistant at a dental school which is a fine job, a bit mundane, but it pays the bills so I cant complain. I do the normal suburban commute on buses and trains and read my Nook (mostly filled with historical fictions which take place during ancient egypt and the renaissance eras). At least public transportation, as much as i loathe it, gives me a chance to see all the different kinds of jewelry people wear. I fear sometimes people think i'm "checking them out" which I kinda am...but...oh well, i guess i'll cross that bridge when and IF I get to it :) I live with my boyfriend who is a soldier and my mother. Its an interesting living situation so jewelry making sure helps alleviate some stress at times!!! I officially registered my business late last year and am hoping that I can get it off the ground, really, this year. I plan on signing up for my first craft fair and trying new ways to advertise. I'm obsessed with welsh corgi's and when i'm too tired to make jewelry or deal with life, you can usually find me on the couch watching the Golden Girls or NCIS marathons.
What inspired you to become a jewelry designer and how long have you been designing?
What do you find most challenging in overall process of jewelry making/creating?
AMI Jewelry Design Studio
******* finding the time to sit down and do it!! I always have so many ideas but not enough time. I guess thats probably the same ole story with alot of crafters :)
****** I don't think I have a favorite time period, I appreciate different aspects of each period. Right now i'm very into the Art deco era jewelry, as in if I'm picking something out for me to wear, personally, thats what I'd end up choosing; Yet, the jewelry i make all seems to have a modern/contemporary edge to it -- go figure!!
I guess I'm most interested in Egyptian/ancient jewelry
as some of it is so intricate, yet the tools they had to work with were so basic. It amazes me what they could achieve with such simple tools.

This pair of wonderful earrings definately have that Egyptian style!
Are there any other creative talents you possess outside of jewelry design?
**** I've drawn since i was a little girl
and was always artistic; and loved everything from oil painting to pastels. I have a degree in art history and fine art....
However, I was an Interior Design major for 2 years, so I've always been into design. When i owned a home I was an avid home improvement DIY'er!!! I demo'ed and installed my own kitchen cabinets and counters and did all the trim/finish work, including laying hardwood flooring.
I also enjoy landscaping and gardening.
Are there any other venues in which you sell your works that you'd like to share with us?
**** As of right now, I only sell via Etsy and word of mouth. However I was contacted recently about consignment at a local artisan store. Still working out all the details..... fingers crossed :)
We will!!
Time for a lil fun....
Use one word that best describes you?
Responsible (ugh lol).
If a movie was made about you, what would the title be and which actress would portray you?
"My Life, The Circus"
Tina Fey
Who is your favorite Peanuts character?
I dont know who the Peanuts characters are? As in Snoopy?? Honestly, ive never seen the show lol.
NeverTooOld's to-do list, 1.) Mail Angela a DVD copy of "A Charlie Brown Christmas", teeehee.
For R&D purposes, would you take a shot with a rubber bullet or be tasered?
HELLL NO!! - I have enough problems hahahah!
Which family would you live with, The Adams Family or The Munsters? why?
The Munsters, Lily and Herman seemed like they'd be cooler to live with, considering lol.
I agree cuz the Adams family were kinda "dead"! hehe
If you were a superhero, what would your name be?
Where do you get these questions??? Ugh ...ummm..... I have NO clue?
Well, you know I wasn't gonna let you off the hook here, so I came up with one myself....
Thanks so much for stopping by. We hope you enjoyed meeting Angela and got to know a lil about this fine artisan. We invite you to stop by her shop to browse the wonderful selection of her quality works. You can also visit and "Like" her on:
A special THANKS to Angela
for allowing and taking
the time for this interview.
Terrific write up! Thanks so much for sharing Angela's wonderful talents with us! :)
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks so much for your always so kind comments. Angela will appreciate your visit as I do. Hope you've a good weekend and see ya round the chatsy neighborhood soon!
What a great interview. Angela, you seem like an incredible person with so many talents. I wish you all the best in your jewelry endeavors!
Hi Kristin,
Thanks so much and I know Angela will appreciate both your visit and kind comments.
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